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Sunday, February 8, 2009

MMM Prompt - If You Want To Use It!

I can't believe it's almost Monday already - time sure is flying (except when it comes to wanting baby to come)! For tomorrow's Motivate Me Monday, I thought I would include a prompt (you certainly don't have to use it). Here it is:

  • When has there been a time where you felt weak (and maybe your prayers weren't being answered) but where you saw God ultimately use His strength through your weakness (or maybe you didn't see it, but you trusted)?

One more thing - if you would like your blog to be featured on MMM (don't be shy), please email me and let me know! There are so many of you with terrific blogs, I'm getting a little overwhelmed choosing. When you email, include links to two of your favorite posts so that I can get to know you better - and use them so the blogoshphere can get to know you better as well! I'm looking forward to meeting more of you!

Can't wait to read all your motivating posts! :)


Anonymous said...


Love, Dad

southerninspiration said...

Looks like Dad spilled the beans......so Happy Birthday. I will be thinking about your prompt for MMM.....thanks.


Conny said...

It's your BIRTHDAY!? If so, have a great one. I've enjoyed your blog since I stumbled upon it a few weeks ago. At my blog, I don't really have a theme -but I kind of muse about my life, marriage, and sometimes what I'm learning in my Bible reading (gonna read it thru this year, I hope!). I don't really know how to link blogs & entries & such yet ... but some day I want to be a REAL blogger like you :)
Here's my entry for today:

and on marriage the day before:

The Lunch Lady said...

Well, Happy Birthday!

The time when I was weak, it was more of a physcial weakness, exactly one year ago. I contracted Bacterial Meningitis, and as an adult, it can kill you in 24-48 hours if not treated. I came down with a double ear infection, went to the doctor, took my first dose of antibiotics, but it was too late. I became violently ill and have no memory of the next 5 days. I was teetering between life and death but the Lord was pleased to lift me up and heal me from a potentially very deadly and life altering illness. Most adults are left with debilitating after effects. Apart from some fatigue and a slight off balance feeling, I am back to normal. It was totally God's amazing healing power, His strength was made SO perfect in my weakness. The doctors were all amazed and I was able to point to God as my healing source. What a year it's been! I have 4 boys ages 6,7,9 and 10. I'm so thankful to be here with them and my wonderful hubby. God is SO good!


Unknown said...

I love the idea of prompts - thanks!

I see it's your birthday, my friend! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a lovely time! :)