Articles Worth The Read
Children & Chores, The "Why" and "How" Of Putting Your Kids To Work
The Link Is Still Missing... - Great article on the news of the week about the "proof" of evolution
Prejean A Pretender? - All about Miss California's Christian Stance
Fear-less - "Giggles has an all-or-nothing spirit. And when she leaps, she leaps. Yesterday she seemingly had no idea of the peril that awaited her when she plunged off the landing. She wasn't worried about it because she had me in her sights. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that I would catch her. She is confident enough in my love for her that she knew I wouldn't, couldn't, let her fall."
Blogs I Am Loving
Shaping Little Souls - This blog is an excellent source for simple, God-engaging activities, discipline tips, and general guidance for you and your littles.
1+1+1=1 - This is a Christian missionary family that shares a wealth of homeschooling tools such as free tot books, lapbooks and creative ideas to help you in your homeschool adventure!
Values Driven Family - This blog is jammed-packed with incredible resources to help you in the godly training of your children. Such helps include chores, homeschooling, home management, core values, character training, and free downloads biblical parenting guides, training manuals and useful training charts.
Intentional Parents - A "Christian ministry that encourages parents to teach and train their children thoughtfully and deliberately to the glory of God. We urge parents to give their children these five important gifts: the Bible, enjoyable pastimes, academics, character, and home skills."
No Motivate Me Monday! tomorrow - enjoy the holiday! :)
Stay updated with Like A Warm Cup Of Coffee by clicking here!
character development helps, chore chart, planners, and more!
Thanks Sarah Mae!!!
;) Carisa
Thanks for the links. :)
ohhhhhhhhhhh!!! YEAH ME!! Thanks, Sarah Mae :) I'm so tickled to win. Believe me, I'll be blogging about this today over at my 'Haus :)
You are off on a great start for year #2! I always enjoy finding new sites and gleaning from them.
Emily updated my profile for me today. What would we do without her? :)
Thanks for these links!
Lots of great links Sarah Mae - thanks!
Hi Sarah Mae!
Thanks for the link back to our blog--glad you are enjoying it. :)
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