I love sweet tea. I lived in the South for awhile and ADORE southern food (shout out to fried okra!) and the sweet tea they are known for.
Are you ready for some real southern
sweet tea?! Oh yea, it's sweet alright...this recipe is
straight from a southern granny's recipe!Here is what you'll need:

6 regular tea bags
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups boiling water
1 1/2 cups sugar (or 2 cups if you're
really southern)
6 cups cold water
Notice the
Luzianne tea - it MUST be Luzianne people!
Here's what to do:

1. In a large glass measuring cup, place the tea bags and add the baking soda.
2. Pour the boiling water...

...over the tea bags

3. cover and steep for 15 minutes (okay, I didn't cover it, still works)

4. Take out the tea bags and do not squeeze them. (sort of forgot that part, but eh, no biggie, I just took them out after I poured them in the pitcher)

5. Pour the tea mixture into a 2 quart pitcher; add the sugar and stir.

Oh sweet sugar, how I love thee!
6. Add in the cold water and serve over ice.
Sooooooooooooooo........... refreshing!

Brings out the southern gal in me everytime!

Wow, those pictures make that tea look really, really amazing & I'm not even a tea drinker.
I'm going to forward the onto my wife, though. She's almost like tea as much as you do... almost.
Sounds Delicious. Right now I make my husband Green Tea for his diet. I might try your tea though. With the desert heat coming we will need nice refreshing drinks. Have a great Day. Jaime
Ha, the pics were too cute. And I laughed when I read this because I JUST COOKED SOME FRIED OKRA this afternoon! Woo hoo for us southern gals. Yum!
Nothing like sweet tea. :o)
Happy Sunday!
Love the fried okra! Also love iced tea, but I've never put in baking soda...what does that do?
I have always wanted to know how to make good sweet tea (I'm just a poor Southern California girl who has no idea how to do such things). And now I know! I'm totally going to make this tomorrow. Thanks. =)
That is so funny! I was just thinking about making some sweet tea just a little while ago, and then I arrive at your blog and find a tutorial! Maybe it's a sign I should go make some. Ha! ;) It sure does sound good . . .
Emily Rose
WHY the baking soda? This Georgia girl is totally confused...
Yea, I have no idea why you put baking soda in, I just followed the directions! I looked it up and the only thing I found was that it takes the bitterness out of the tea. :)
I've lived in KY for almost 20 years and my mom grew up here, but I've never heard of putting baking soda in tea before. What does it do? I do love sweet tea!
I am sooo a 2 cups of sugar kinda girl. Love me some sweet tea. It's just part of growin up in the deep south. I had a glass today and it made me miss home (Mississippi.) Funny side note....my hubby and I graduated from Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, and our mascot was the fighting okra. Yeah, that's bout as southern as it gets. hee-hee.
i thought the sugar would take out the bitterness... hmmm... i'm an unsweet tea girl myself but LOVE sweet cafe lattes!
Sweet Iced Tea is a staple in this house! and i am raising my children right... to love their sweet iced tea!
never heard of the baking soda bit but hey whatever floats your boat!
Simply delicious - I'm drinking a glass right now! Thanks for the tutorial! :D
I drink unsweetened iced tea right now. This sounds so good but I am afraid to try it because I will probably love it! I can NOT afford any extra calories.
LOL, I love that you took a self-portrait of yourself taking a sip!
And, girl you look GOOD!!! Can't believe you just had a baby.
Being a California girl, I can't handle Southern sweet tea. We make our own California version using green tea and only 1/4 cup of sugar. It may seem week to you Southern gals, but it's sweet enough for me!
You are SO RIGHT about the Luzianne! We make ours slightly different. We boil about 2q of water then steep the 6 bags, add 3/4 to 1c sugar. Pour in the gallon pitcher and fill the rest of the way up with water. We have never used the baking soda. I'm gonna try it your way to see how it is!
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