If you were watching the show tonight and have been following the Core Lies series, you witnessed first hand tonight a gal with a major core lie! I don't know what her lie is, but I do know that while she has no idea she's believing a lie, she did recognize that all she really wants is to be loved unconditionally.
Do you know who I'm talking about? What do you think her lie is?
Aw man, I watch it every week, but forgot to tape it tonight while gone to small group! I'll have to check back after I watch it via internet! I'm sure there are many core lies represented on that show! :)
Dang! I missed it tonight!
I think her lie is that she is incapable of achieving anything that is difficult and that she is programmed to give up and to lose.
i don't watch the show, but i seriously cannot get this series out of my mind! which is a good thing of course. sigh, so much work to be done in my heart and mind.
I think her core lie is that she isn't good enough...or that she is unloveable and unworthy b/c she "isn't pretty/skinny"....which actually is a lie in itself; Believing that she isn't pretty. She is a beautiful young girl! At some point, I think we all try to find our self-worth through other people. Its very destructive. When she gets to a place where she realizes she can make decisions for herself and to love herself, she will do much better. There are always going to be people we don't click with. I had to learn that not everyone is going to be my best friend. I find sufficiency in Christ alone....He created me to be who I am. To find my acceptance in Him alone and live for Him daily...to hear FROM HIM "Well done, My good and faithful servant." When I seek Him alone, it makes it easier to "brush off" the lies and cling to His truth.
I also have to say that I LOVE the biggest loser! Its so motivating for me....but I think I like it even more b/c its life changing for each contestant and uplifting in a world of negativity....its exciting to see these people realize they can live a healthy life! I love it!!! And I always think about what a rewarding job for anyone working for that show!
Great topic today...and the entire "core lie" series!
I am a week behind - I wish we could watch it online, now I have to wait for it to show on one of the cable channels and that runs about a week behind, bummer. I am loving your core lie series - I really struggle with this myself, but I'm working on it! Thanks for challenging us!
I haven't been watching it, so don't know. But I'm sure that a lot of people with eating problems (like I am an emotional eater for example) have core lies that are contributing to them.
Now you'll know that I'm the Biggest Loser because we don't have tv and I've never even seen the show!!! Oh well...glad you took last night off and just relaxed...you do have a brand new baby, you know :o)!! Blessings to you today ~Sara
I don't watch the show, but your comment did prompt me to click through Reader to see what others are saying about this! :)
I saw that try outs for the new season were in Phoenix- this week or last. I thought about entering as I have too many pounds to shed. I can't take 6 weeks out from life so I opted to continue down the gym path! Boy oh boy do I wish I could join though...
This series has been great. I hope to share it with a few hurting friends and family members who need to take a look at the core lies they are believing. It sure is tough to go through life believing something that is so negative that it just brings an individual down (or even a family or those around).
Thanks for all you do Sarah!
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