If you don't like murder, don't murder.
If you don't like child abuse, don't abuse a child.
If you don't like rape, don't rape anyone.
Does this make sense to anyone?
Somebody? Anybody?
Yea, didn't think so.
Bible Verses About God's Love for Us
5 days ago
I am loving this series. Thank you so much for posting these. Keep speaking your mind girl...there are those of us who love what we're seeing and agree 100%!
Btw...awesome post on At The Well...I really needed that one!
Makes sense to me!
I appreciate your willingness to be controversial and get things out on the table.
Two weeks!
I agree completely.
However, when a fetus isn't recognized as a life, there becomes a disconnect between "medical proceedure" and "murder".
Would you believe that I was told one time that abortion was really no different than having a mole removed, as both are just "tissue"?
When this is the mindset, it feels like we'll never move forward.
Keep being the voice, Sarah Mae! You're doing a wonderful job!
Hi! I agree with Carrie. It is the recognition of murder vs. removing a blob of tissues where someone needs to stand up and stop the madness.
Have a great day!
I applaud you for your boldness and sincerity in tackling this controversial issue! I've been a bit bold lately over at my blog, as well. Is there something going around in the blogosphere?
I have a question that I have yet to get an answer to. Why is it a mother can have an abortion to end her un-born child's life and the law protects her BUT if a man murders a pregnant woman he is charged with 2 murders...1 for the woman and 1 for the un-born child? If he can be charged for murder WHY isn't she charged as well?
I've asked that as well, Julie. There's never an answer.
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