Well friends, I'm disappearing for a few days, but in the meantime I leave you with these little gems...
Awkward Family Photos
One week of printable menu/grocery list recipes
Bible Verses About God's Love for Us
3 days ago
Sarah Mae, thanks for linking to the menu/grocery list/recipes. I hope it helps someone out during a busy week!
Are you going on a trip? Or just taking a little break? Hope all is well and that you have a blessed week my friend! :)
Thanks for the link to Ann Coulter's "Take Two Aspirins." I despair of ever having truly good health care in this country. We do have talented doctors, but we have a broken system. I have raised three handicapped children and helped with two grandchildren with serious birth defects -- and every single time, even with the best of hospitals, parents have to really fight to get the right care (even when it is readily available). The most recent, about which I am about to write an indignant post, is my 30-year-old mentally retarded son, who lives semi-independently. He was ambulanced to the hospital Sunday night with symptoms of urine retention, vomiting blood, and high fever. Because of insurance restrictions, the doctors kept him only until they were able to reduce the fever, then sent him back to his group home on bed watch and lots of tylenol. No one paid any attention to the cause of the symptoms, and of the symptoms, only cared about the one that stared them in the face: the fever. I am now on the war path, about to collar his primary care physician -- but she is not available yet for an appointment. (I suppose I can -- and just might -- just march in without an appointment, but I have to be a little careful because she can simply refuse to be his doctor if I get too pushy.) Argh!
Yay! I won! I sent you an email.
Hope you have a good few days off!! Awkward Family Photos... great for a laugh! Thanks for sharing!
Okay, those snakes weren't REAL, were they???
Hope you have a good few days off!! Awkward Family Photos... great for a laugh! Thanks for sharing
Web hosting india
I hope it helps someone out during a busy week!
Work from home India
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