...where I delve into the topic of "judgment."
This is the post where I say...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry because the fact is I have had a *judgmental* spirit many times when discussing certain issues I tend to be passionate about. I don't know the line with judging/truth/reproving, etc. I am just trying to figure it out. I know there is a place for judging because we must hold fast to the truth, and often times truth is offensive. On the other hand, I don't want the responsibility that comes along with judging someone - I will be judged by God with the same measure I judge someone else. That's a scary thought because I know I am a mess in many areas in my own life! Talk about a plank! I know we are called to judge sometimes and in certain situations, but I don't want that to be the crux of my "ministry" here. Nope, don't want it. Truly, I just want whatever *truth* God leads me to share to be doused in humility and grace.
I have much more to communicate on the subject of judgment, but for now, just know that I am seeking meekness.
While I'm on the humble train, I would just like to say that I have a chin hair. Yep, you heard correctly. Chin. Hair. It's pretty long too, and I have to pluck it once a month or the little sucker will just grow and grow.
Whew! Now that my chin hair issue is out there, I feel confident that I can never really be "judgmental" because you all have that one on me! :)
Bible Verses About God's Love for Us
5 days ago
That's awesome, Sarah Mae. You and your chin hair. Yeah, we'll totally keep you humble with that one!
As for the judgment issue, you've come to where I basically am. I know that there are times when I'll have to judge some things. But I'm going to reserve those judgments for the things that are critical, and when it's necessary I want to approach it from a place of love, humility, and genuine concern.
And in the meantime, I want to find ways to build others up. Like you do!
i've got one too. just one. too funny! at least it's really light and not black like the rest of my hair! whew. :)
Oh, SArah Mae! You keep a smile on my face!
I too struggle with holding steadfast to what we know to be truth, and wanting to share that, and not be judgemental. I think the answer will only be found in prayer.
seriously? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA chin hair!? I will confess that I recently purchased one of those lady trimmers for eyebrows (pfft yeah right). Yeah. I'm THAT woman.
and don't you JUDGE ME! :P <3
You just keep posting and ministering to the blog world the way God wants you to, and it'll be all right.
And the chin hair? Sigh...you might as well invest in a good pair of tweezers...it's downhill from here... : )
LOL! Chin hair, huh? Yeah, that God of ours knows how to humble us right on down;)
I think its awesome for you to be so awesome about your own shortcomings. That's hard for all of us! But, when one person does it, it takes the pressure off of the rest of us to come off as "perfect."
I just had to start a blog series off by saying "Hey! I AM NOT EXPERT!" LOL! Keep it up!
Hi Sarah Mae, I too had a hair on my chin which I had to cut every now and then but strangely disappeared when I had my first child! Weird eh? On being judgemental, it is hard not to be especially if you are writing about something you feel very passionate about. It is good that we have a God who keeps us in check and humbles us!
Collette x
Sarah Mae, it takes a lot to humble yourself in front of so many people and I commend you for that. We all have things that we need to look at and humble ourselves before we go looking at other people (I'm pretty new to the whole scripture reference thing but isn't there something about removing the plank from your eye before trying to take a small piece of something out of someone else's?--totally murdered that scripture I'm sure lol)....and for someone with such a successful blog as yourself to be able to do that...speaks volumes of your character. Thank you for being real.
http://christianity4dummies.blogspot.com (It's new and like I said, I'm learning as I go!)
You are precious....
Now, did the chin hair come before you "judged" or after? ;)
This post struck my heart because it is something I am struggling with BIG time. My husband told me the other day "Boy, if someone doesn't agree with you, your warrior self comes out to convince them that they are wrong."
Because he is right. I am a little gal, but my warrior self DOES come out when I am judgmental. And I have noticed that I am way more judgmental than I thought I was.
I will pray for you, sweet lady. And please pray for all the rest of us who struggle with meekness.
I just know God gave you that chin hair to keep you humble! lol
I share your pain....about the chin hair and struggling with whether I'm being too judgemental! lol No, seriously, since our family is conservative sometimes it's hard to know how to respond to others with grace that seem to have no desire to have Christian standards. I read some scripture just the other day about how we actually are SUPPOSED to judge those that claim to be brethren who are living in sin but let God judge those in the world....but it's still hard to know how/when to do that! I really just want to live the way I think God is pleased for me to, only judge the sitiuations that I absolutely have to, and learn to have more meekness, grace, and humility all the rest of the time!
And of course keep plucking this 'ole chin hair. :-)
Great post!
Crack.me.up... and you can count me in on the chin hair club. It's annoying and I can feel it as soon as it pops out. Tweezers have become my best friend.
Also, I read an article a long time ago comparing chin hairs to sin.. how we all have that unsightly hair somewhere and we try to hide it, pluck it whatever but it keeps coming back, just like we can strive for perfection but to live thinking that our sinful human nature isn't going to pop out regularly is naive. Now every time my chin hair shows up it reminds me to reevaluate my behaviors. You didn't write the article I'm talking about did you? I'm thinking I read it long before I found your blog but.. hmm....
Awwww girl! You are so sweet. I complete understand because I struggle with the same thing on issues that I'm passionate about. One of my biggest struggles is the line between truth/judgement and grace.
And I have a chin hair too.
Sarah Mae, you are quite an amazing woman! Godly, wise and funny. Personally, I've never seen you as judgemental. On the other hand, my vision of judgemental is skewed because I place so much weight on the Truth that I completely forget Grace sometimes and therefore, come across as judgemental.
Let me just finish this LONG comment by saying that you are an encouragement to me each day! I love your passion for Biblical correctness.
Keep up the good work! :) ...oh, and if you can give me any tips on the humble/gentle thing, I'd appreciate it! Sometimes I come across as gentle as sandpaper.
Oh, if our only issues were just chin hairs. Of course, if that were true I'd have a full beard!
Oh, you are so not alone! In riding the humble train OR with chin hair. I've got MORE than one!
Ug. And sometimes a stray, long nose hair. Oh, confessionals. ;D
Oh, and while we're on facial hair that's not the most flattering....I have dark hair, and a faint moustache. I have bleached it for YEARS. Well, a few months ago, I was telling my oldest child (11) that he is getting a moustache and it makes me want to cry. My 8 year old son told me, "It's okay, mom! You have a moustache, too!!!" I couldn't help but laugh, and know it was time to bleach, again.
I recently found these little things, I think called 'Smooth Away', the box was like $10. It comes w/ super fine sandpaper that you rub in a circle three times, then switch directions (clockwise, then counter-clockwise). Anyway, I've found that they work great on my chin, and upper lip area the best. If I'm wrong about the name, I'll let ya know, but I think that's right. I got it at Target, but have seen the little kits at Sally's and (I think) Wal-Mart. We hairy people gotta stick together. :D (smile, giggle)
A while ago I had a post about the difference between an opinion and judgment. I got some really good responses. Your chin hair cracks me up!!
It is such a fine line, isn't it? I find myself quite often in the same place - especially if I am passionate about something or feel as though I have been wronged.
I'm learning that my first defense is to pray, pray again and pray some more. It's because none of us are perfect that Christ died for us.
And I raise your chin hair with multiple wrinkles. . .
Now you can tell the story of the 3 Little Pigs to your children with gusto. "Not by the hair of my chiny chin chin!"
BTW, have you seen my fancy shmancy new blog layout?!?!? It's WONDERFUL...thank you for choosing me.
This is a touchy subject :). I think some people (including Christians) misunderstand the word, "judging." I posted about that on my blog at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/servingtheKingofkings/699825/ .
Sometimes we need to speak up in spite of how others might feel because we do love them and care about them. I know it does not feel good to be corrected but I am thankful to be corrected if needed. Well, I think you'll understand better after you read my post :). Do what is right (according to the Scriptures), not what makes you feel good or what makes others feel good! Aim to please God, not people! We should be able to speak the truth in love, gentleness, and humility without being afraid of offending someone. Remember...we cannot please everyone :).
You are too much!
Your secret is safe with us...LOL
I was wondering how you were going to handle the whole judgemental thing - without being judgemental, that is. The devil tries to make us think we are judgemental when we are just speaking truth.
My rule is truth spoken with true Christian love to encourage, rather than glorify self, is not judgemental.
It's a very touchy subject.
Thanks for getting us thinking!
You inspire me! Yes, we are guilty of judging and it's hard to step out, especially after you've held your ground, and say "yep, I was wrong. I was judging. I was mean. I was just wrong in my heart." We really have to be careful that whether right is on our side that we be HUMBLE and LOVING in all things. For if we do not have love we have nothing.
chin hairs indeed! lol
can I copy some of what you wrote and link ya from my site?
You just always blow me away with your audacity to be so honest & vulnerable. We're all judgmental at one time or another, and its a hard thing. To feel SO RIGHT about something, but to have that little twist of attitude that offends & hurts people (does it sound at all like I know what you mean???) sigh.
I love reading your blog because I'm forced to think about myself in the same terms and it's good reflection! Keep shining the Light of God out here, Sarah Mae!
Oh - and I won't admit to how many chin hairs I have. Or for how long I've had them. But I will tell you that my daughters will KNOW that when I'm either too old to notice or too old to care, that it will be THEIR responsibility to prevent a beard from appearing on my face!!!
I was anxiously awaiting the judgement blog, but I think you've got it right here. There's not alot to say about it other than what you've said. Yes, there are times we have to judge, but we need to be careful not to be judgemental. I think there's a difference there. Our preacher is doing a series including this topic in the fall. I'll let you know his take on it.
Great thoughts! It is something to remember, but if you let God guide your words and when to say them, I think you'll be fine. And Sarah Mae - I think you do a great job of that!
One chin hair?? That's it? Sigh, I've got a few on ya!
Someone here said there was a Scripture saying we should judge others? But not the world? If I am understanding their post correctly?
I would like to say this: To Judge, is only to make a decision. It is not to go after someone. It is not to become their own personal "holy spirit." Only God knows all that is going on in someone else's life. We are to help lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are to be an example in action and mercy. We need to cheer them up and let them grow up (spiritually speaking) through the convictions of God, not by us telling them what is right or wrong. When someone genuinely asks our advice, certainly share with them. But do not force things on them. It is like being a parent to adult children. We are there when they need us. We are there to be a spiritual mentor. A coach. But not their boss.
Sometimes, when a fellow believer is doing wrong (who isn't?? - smiles), they are coping through something they cannot deal with. They will get through it. They will grow and change over time. We need to give them the space to do this and the grace they need.
The Bible says we are all sinners. We all do wrong at times. This is because we are all human, mortal. We have to have compassion for one another to get through this life and forgive each other. To "judge" is not what most people think it is, Biblically speaking.
Mrs. White
I had quit reading your blog for a while. I disagreed with much you had to say on submission and the way it came across. And a few other posts. So I backed off for a while. I had linked it to a friend who I knew would love it, and she continued to read.
She linked me to your two judgment posts. I have to say it makes you seem much more real and believable.
I had to learn this lesson myself. Its hard one! I had to learn to extend more grace and with hold my judgement. It wasn't and easy lesson!
You have a great ministry here.
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