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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do Feminism and Abortion Always Go Hand in Hand?

Susan B. Anthony

With the news today you would think that every feminist was pro-choice, but

did you know...

that the majority of early feminists were not pro-choice. In fact, many of the famous feminist foremothers vehemently opposed abortion. Seriously, it's true, check it out:

"Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; But oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!" Susan B. Anthony, American civil rights and women's rights leader

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, American social activist and leading figure in the early women's movement

"Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child, nor think of murdering one before its birth." Victoria Woodhull,
first female presidential candidate, 1872 (What would she think of the feminists of today?!)

"Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women." Alice Paul, author of the original Equal Rights Amendment (1923)

Just thought I'd let you in on the secret!


scargosun said...

I do not believe that all feminists are for abortion and they should not have to be. Me, I would not choose to have an abortion but I am in no way shape or form going to tell fellow woman, with a brain, what she should or should not do with her body. Just as I would not tell a man what to do with their body.
A problem I have when this debate comes up is that many (not all) people that are pro-life also disagree with contraception thus making their opinion one of 'anti-choice' for all women. Those that are anti-choice are doing a grave disservice to women everywhere. How you conduct yourself sexually, is a choice, unless there is violence involved. It is my choice to employ contraception. It is a man's choice to use Viagra in order to complete the physical act of intercourse. Is that choice on the table? Nope. But a woman, making rational choices about her life, should have that choice taken from her? No, emphatically, NO.
Bottom line, make your own choices, do not make them for others.

kari said...

thanks for this post, sarah! i know it's not always easy to mention these things. i appreciate the way you posted this delicate but important issue. praying for you and that sweet baby....

Unknown said...

That is fascinating and I think many will be surprised to hear it. I hope all the commenters are kind and rational.

I am most definitely pro-life and thank you for your post! Blessings to you and your baby!

Anonymous said...

AMEN!! I love this post thanks for speaking out even a little. I am for people having choices as long as those choice don't equal killing somebody. You are taking their "choice" to live!

Traci said...

Great post and I can honestly say that I'm as pro-life as almost anyone, and proud to be so.

I personally don't feel like being pro life is purposely trying to tell another woman what she can do with her body, it is just a side effect of fervantly trying to protect a life that was created.. a life that is unable to defend itself. I would never otherwise try to force a woman into doing anything with her body that she wasn't in favor of. I just wish I could adopt all the unwanted babies of the world...

Such a thoughtful post and great point!

Kristi said...

This was a great post! I never knew that about these ladies! Thanks again!

Kristi said...

Found this website and wanted to share, but I do warn you there are pictures and video, but I feel if more people were made of aware of what abortion really is and does, they'd think differently about "Choice."


katylinvw said...

AWESOME!!! thanks for sharing these quotes! this is a touchy subject for many, thanks for being courageous enough to bring it up!