Hi everyone. I’m Debbie. And, I have no idea what I’m doing here. Come to think of it, I’m not sure how I even got here. Oh yeah, last week Sarah asked me to guest blog for her. "Sure no problem. I’d be honored." I said.
Then I realized I actually had to think of something to write about.
Let’s see, I could talk about the election. Nah, too, polarizing. Oh, Oh, I could tell you that I think Sarah is better than Flylady, but you already know that. Or we could talk about how much of an Olympics junkie I am. Yeah, that’s a great topic! Oh wait, this isn’t my blog. You don’t care about what I think. Hmmm.
Dum dee dum. La di da. Let’s see.
I could you tell that Sarah and I both bleed blue. Wha? Huh? Not literally, silly. We are both Penn Staters. Fight on! Only thing is that I graduated from PSU when Joe Paterno was still coaching. Oh wait, he’s still coaching. Well, he had hair back then, wore black shoes, white socks, high water khaki pants and coke bottle glasses. Psst Debbie? He still wears all that today. Oh. Yeah, he does doesn’t he. Well, we won two National Championships in football when I was there. Ah yes, we have a winner. That hasn’t happened since the 80’s. I’m pretty sure Sarah was learning two plus two equals four when I was a co-ed tailgating in Happy Valley back then. But you know talking about college football might bore you to death. Because not everyone gets quite as excited about it as I do. But still, FIGHT ON! Oh that felt good to say.
So what DO I talk about? How about Blogging? Oh, I could go on and on about that. I’ve lots to say about it. As a matter of fact, I did a whole series on Mommy Blogging. I talked about how I got started, why I changed my blog from a family scrapbook to talking about things that spill out of my brain onto my laptop, and wondered aloud why my friends and family in real life don’t care to read it. Along the way, I found out I wasn’t alone on that one. I talked about blog crack, otherwise known as comments, and the, the, the LUR….oh I loathe this word….the LURKERS who encourage us silently by coming back time and time again. But the most important thing I talked about was making connections. I started out wanting to tell MY stories about my life, but my old friend serendipity stepped in, and I became fascinated with your stories, your lives, your interests. Whoa, wasn’t expecting that. And along the way, I have truly made some friends. Friends whose voices I’ve never heard other than through words, friends who are sisters in Christ, friends who aren’t but I hope will be, and friends who I think the Lord wants me to minister to. Some are people that I hope to meet in person someday, but most are people I probably won’t meet this side of Heaven. Sarah is a Mommy blogger like me. Sarah is a Penn Stater like me. But most importantly, Sarah is my sister in Christ. I will see her in Heaven if not on earth. And I am honored that she thought enough of me to fill up her precious blog space.
Now leave her lots of comment love.
I’ll hunt you down if you don’t.
Bible Verses About God's Love for Us
4 days ago
Hi Debbie! I love your blog, This is the Life - and I can't wait to check out Blogging Around the World. You did a great job guest writing!
Good morning girls! Brought my coffee over! Hope you feel better soon, Sarah, and many blessings on Baby.
Hi Debbie!!! So good to see you here! You're a busy girl.
My favorite part of blogging is making connections with women who share my interests and love for our Lord. You and Sarah are among my favorite bloggy friends.
Fight on State!
Hello to you both, just leavin' some comment lovin' :D
Wow, Debbie, you are all over the place today! I enjoyed your guest post on Sarah's great blog. What a great combination!
Hey! Hope Sarah is feeling better soon. I am in Razorback Country so I know no other teams exist! lol
Love your blog, I think I fall under the Lurkers catagory...LOL! I love visiting other blogs, and most times don't comment. Shame on me. I'll try to do better. Have a blessed day.
Hi Debbie...you did a great job..as usual.
Hi Sarah....congrats on the baby, hope all goes well!
I love meeting new blog friends too. I've met so many wonderful people that otherwise I wouldn't have been able to....LOVE IT!
Hi Debbie...thought I'd check you out over here too! Sarah, hope you feel better soon. :)
You really get around, don't you? You are one sweet bloggin' friend!
Sarah, we miss you and hope you feel better soon.
comment love~!
Love, love, love! Any friend of Debbie's is a friend of mine. You did a great job Debbie, and Sarah--you seem like a great blogger yourself! Hope you feel better soon (if nothing else it'll all be over in a few more months, right :)?!).
I love that with blogging friends, they can stop in whenever is convenient for them and vice versa, and nobody feels the need to get their house cleaned up or be dressed or get a babysitter or WHATEVER!--You just hang out and chat and listen and laugh together :)
Great guest post.
Great post, Debbie!
I do love the connections I have made through blogging. I have actual bloggy friends that I would invite into my home if they were in town and I would look them up if I were in their area.
That was surprising to me. I enjoy getting to know and share so much with each other.
Debbie, you did a great job!!! I will be checking you out at your place.
Thanks for the guest post. I completly understand what you mean about starting to blog because you wanted to tell your story, too be suprised when you find yourself really carring about the other people blogging, and hearing their story.
Hmmm, a guest blogger, and it's not me? Just for that, I'm going to spill a secret.
TODAY IS JESSES' 26th birthday!!
Love ya both, Dad
Oh yeah...excellent "replacement" job Debbie.
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