Okay, so I'm giving in and doing the 100 things about me. (Remember that old rhyme, "one, two, skip a few, 99, 100? I'm so tempted to do that right now.)
If you are so curious as to who I am, and want to spend the time to read 100 things about me, you'll have to mosey on over to the sidebar where I added a link to it. Oh, and if you're curious about Amanda, well, e-mail her and tell her to get blogging! ;)
For this post, I'm actually going to list my favorite comments from YOU! Your comments bring a smile to my face, and who doesn't like comment love? Without further adieu, my Top Ten Favorite Comments list:
10.) "I think I love you. Is that creepy? LOL" Darla @ UltraBeautyBoutique
9.) "And your post has spoken to me so much this morning. This is like the answer to my question to God. Thank you." Charlie
8.) "Well, it isn't possible to be a "perfect" wife since Jesus was the only one who was perfect. We are all sinners and struggle daily." Lisa
7.) "Thanks for the inspiration to clean!" everychapter (This is so funny, because if you knew me in person you'd be cracking up that I inspired someone to clean!)
6.) "Ohmygosh Sarah Mae!!! I knew I liked your for a reason. I have the goosebumps right now, and I have to apologize because I didn't get past the first part of your post. I AM A PENN STATER!!!! Along with KIMBA!!! OH yeah. Fight on State, Fight on State, Roar Lions Roar. We'll hit that board, roll up the score, Fight onnn , Fight onn! Ok, now I can go back and read the other random things about you!" Debbie
5.) "You are like a breath of fresh air. I love reading your words and thoughts." Kimba
4.) "You are better than Flylady!" Debbie
3.) "Have I mentioned I love your blog? It really IS a great place to start the day." Kat
2.) "I'll try to remember the beauty as I stuff the 4 inch overhang into my undies." Debbie
My number one favorite comment is (drum roll please)...
1.) "I like your blog - it's very nice! And welcome! I've only been blogging a little over a month, so I'm still new." Lisa (This is number one because it was my very first ever comment...it was so exciting!)
Bible Verses About God's Love for Us
4 days ago
Congratulations on your 100th post! I love celebrating numerical milestones...I'm weird that way. :)
I cannot find your 100 things link on the sidebar. Am I blind??? And I'm dying to read them. I love lists and I love learning more about bloggers!!!
Congrats on your 100th post (and the great comments...mmmm... you are truly, truly inspiring, and your blog is wonderful, but it might take a true miracle, a lightening strike, and the bribing of chocolate to inspire us to clean!! LOL!!)
kari & kijsa
Yay! I'm in the top ten of something! I'm glad I was your very first comment! I love your list of favorite comments. I knew you could come up with something creative. Good job!
I'm heading over to your 100 things because I must know it all!!
And by the way, don't get mad - I tagged you for another meme on my blog!
I'm sure you can do it in all of your spare time...ha,ha! Seriously, no pressure though - you just wrote 100 things!
(I had this comment all typed out and lost it! I hope this doesn't end up as a double comment post.)
Anyway, Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Post number 100! I don't know how I missed Debbie's comment about stuffing the 4in. overhand into underwear. That was just way too funny. I skimmed through your 100 things list (I'll read better when time permits), and I totally would have pegged you as an athletic person. I'm not athletic either. Remember in school when you'd pick teams? I was always picked last. To this day if somebody throws me a softball, I still want to cover my head and duck. Not safe, I know. Pitiful, really.
Congratulations on 100 posts. And thanks for including me in your top 10 fav comments. LOL!!!!
Yay for 100 posts! I think all of your top ten comments are true.
Congrats on your 100th post!! And I love how you did a Top Ten list of your favorite comments!!!
You have totally inspired me to do the same!
thank you and happy pow!!
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