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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tea and Hospitality

(Not my teapot - I wish!)

I've been inspired by teapots (it's true!) Over at Gracious Hospitality beautiful teapots that make me want to have a tea party are being featured, and now I want my own pretty teapot! The one I have is a generic silver one from Walmart. Anyone want to have a tea party?


Laura said...

Funny that Viv and her friend, Gracie, had a tea party this very morning!

Congratulations on the site! It looks so good, Sarah. I might not always be able to comment (I usually read up on blogs while I'm swaying Lia to sleep and don't have an extra hand to type!), but I'll enjoy every minute of it.

Unknown said...

Sadly, I hardly use most of my teapots. But they are fun to look at and post about - ha,ha!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Carrie said...

The teapot you have pictured is very attractive. I must find an asisn teapot to add to my collection.

Marye said...

The hospital-i-tea blogathon has been very interesting..and inspiring!

Sandy said...

A generic silver one from Wal-Mart counts! I love the photo of the one you wished you owned, how clever to post a wish pot! It is nice meeting you, you have a lovely blog.

Katharyn said...

How about an online Tea Pary? Set up a date and get everyone to post a picture and description of the tea they through for them sleves? What tea, what food, how did you feel?